New Ad

Multihulls World (Multicoques) put together a very snappy new ad for the Cruising issue.  If that is your picture, let me know.


Tim’s Mast Bin

There are about a dozen spare masts at the backlot of CSR. Most are about 60′ long and with sections for 40′ + boats. Contact me or Tim about getting one.

Most are off of monos so will need some customizing.   They will not know the section properties of a particular mast, but I can measure any one and get a pretty good idea what that would be.
Tim cell 206-617-2001. Remind him that you are my customer.

Saw Chaak Again

I visited CSR boatyard this week. Chaak is still there waiting for its mast to be put on. Chaak was the third boat I did. Actually I did just the amas and the beams. Main hull revise came later. They did a trip to Hawaii and back by way of Alaska a few years ago. Tim remembers noticing how the boat’s shadow would leave the water every few seconds. Was airborne much of the time.  Amas are CM.

I recall it was built in ’86 or ’87.  See also Those gold ducks on the side are Duck Dodge wins.


New Design Books Going Out in the Morning

Yes. And I was able to add a little treat that I suggested earlier. All you patient orderers get the book on CD also. Some of the links are not yet hotted up as the Pagemaker files need to be run through Indesign to do that. I guessed that could add a day to the eternal process so I burned the CDs today without that step. Seeing all the pictures in color is the big benefit.

Original Tomcat 30

I just got some pictures of a version 2 I think it was, Tomcat 30 trimaran from the owner, Robert Wakeman. This was the design that first got me into Multihulls Magazine. The idea was to be the fastest 30′ multi possible that would meet offshore racing rules. Back then none of the multis I saw thought about headstay tension and pointing. This design did. Not much I would change now some 30 years later.  It had big board, big amas way out there.  Rotating fractional rig.  Now I would round the sheers more. Add a squaretop main. A little more fullness in the hull sections.  Lighter hatches. 

A pretty cool boat.  See

Server was Down Again

Sorry. It turns out the email server was down again from 2 pm yesterday to about 8 am today. They claim it will never happen again. If you were sending email and it bounced, hit it again please. I have been staying with Drizzle because the tech guy, Jesus, is so good.
Other note, I got the catalog proof and found 2 mistakes. Taking updated PDF back to printers right now. The new books will be ready next week. It is an awesome book.