Three years ago I designed what I thought was a simplification to Rafi’s Cat-2-Fold beams. To make it less costly, I chose off-the-shelf mast sections as the connective beams in place of carbon fiber laminations. Rafi thinks it won’t work. I think it
will. It has never been tried. I publish it here with the understanding that if it is published, someone somewhere else won’t be able to patent it and prevent me from using it. I can’t afford to patent it, and besides this market is just too small to make it worthwhile.
So, some of the snapshots. Ignore the unstayed mast bearings.

G’Day Kurt
A 7 Metre bi-plane cat rig boat with these beams would be great for a husband and wife after a smaller easy to launch / rig short term cruiser.
I agree. Lets do one.
Does this system fold with mast staying up?
Dear Kurt,
Today I saw your simple beams for Cat 2 Fold 30 with mast sections. I like it and I would like to think about it for your the newest 26′ catamaran (with quin bed). I am a mechanical engineer and I work with 3D programs (SolidWorks, Pro-E, Silid Edge, Inventor, Alibre, etc….). Please, can you e-mail me your models and assembly in any 3D file (. STEP, IGS, Parasolid, (*.x_t, *.x_b, *.xmt_txt, *.xmt_bin) ,…? I will work with your files but I am not going to patent it. I am too busy.
Thank you. Regards.
Mirek Rosol, cell. phone: 646-702 -1960
you want me to give you my 3D models?
I hope it will work!;)