I just found out that I have a charter cat sailing in Costa Rica. http://www.bluedolphinsailing.com/gallery.html
They want another one.
Category Archives: Charter Catamarans
Teralani Charters
Yesterday I got to meet the crew of Teralani 3, another KHSD 65′ x 36′ daycharter cat on Maui. Again I was very impressed with the boat. The builder had delivered it to them in a very unfinished state some 5 years ago. They have finished it to top shape. They are more of a true sailing charter than many others. Passengers load from the beach. Very nice. See http://www.teralani.net/
Small Charter Cat Tops
New Charter in Marathon
This KHSD 36 daycharter cat has just begun to charter out of Marathon, FL.
Daycharter in the Cold
I had forgotten there was a brave daycharter company operating right up in Blaine, Washington. They use one of my 36′ charter boats in a box. Bring your warm coat. See http://rapscallionsailcharters.com/index.html