Category Archives: Materials

New Eco Foam

I’m always on the lookout for new foam core products that can reduce the hurt to the wallet or the environment, or both.

But bugs me when they have odd anecdotal measures of strength or insulation values, but no actual numbers.

Technology From the Spaceship

While it is obvious all the boat tech things that have gone into the lunar lander dwelling, several ideas from that spaceship have helped my multihull design.
The first is a new view of lighting and interiors. My designs have always leaned toward vehicle and less to habitat. The interiors were flat white and throw in a few lights.
The spaceship has allowed me to take advantage of the new design freedom allowed by all the new LED offerings.


Another is the use of Foamular insulation foam for non structural core. Things like shelves or seats can use a ply/core/ply sandwich with much less cost and much easier edge finishing than the usual Tricel materials.

I read in my auto magazines that electric cars have their batteries punished by resistance electric heaters. Expect auto sized ductless heat pumps in a couple of years. I have been seeing the results firsthand at the spaceship. Energy costs are about a third of resistance heat.

Reliable LED Lights Inside

One more better equipment choice from the lunar lander dwelling project.

New LED Lights in the Bathroom.

My present battery powered LED lights in the bathroom stopped working. I will investigate, but probably the moisture.
So these are the replacements I will try.  Waterproof.  Battery powered.
Moisture is more of a problem on a boat than a spaceship even.

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