Category Archives: New Designs


All I do anymore is email. Am going to try to hide out next week and do design work. Understand if I keep the email replies brief. And please just tell me what you want and how you want me to accomplish whatever it is.

Estonian Powercat

earlier version, in another land

Nice write-up about the Estonian KHSD 44/46 powercat in Multihulls world. Enter the search word “arteran”
And at
I have mixed feeling about this.  It looks beautiful still. They have added so many goodies downstream that the payload is now close to zero. It began as an efficient green power cat for ocean voyaging. The mission gradually crept to being a party barge and filling as much of the space between the bow and and transom as possible.  I often see this in people new to catamarans.  Instead of declaring a cabin size and letting me put the right size of sled under it, they pick hulls first and then expand to fill up the “wasted space”.  Up high are the worst seats on the boat in waves.  It has now become  a flat water vessel.  And will surely trim aft.   Discouraging.  Maybe I know nothing about the market and it will sell like crazy.