Also, Aolani came to my attention as I’m doing the USCG update. It’s one of the 58 Sunchasers. Its certified for 49 passengers. See and they have a trick little 360 degree camera at
Category Archives: New Designs
Catamaran Sailing in the Ozarks
Who knew? A KHSD 48 carrying passengers in Branson, MO. See
Wind Load
Here is a simple little wind load calculator that I seem to use all the time for things.
Northwest Yachting
Got a nice write-up in Northwest Yachting magazine. May issue. By Peter Marsh. The anchor article is about Schooner Creek Boatyard. They have built several KHSD charter cats. I had forgotten that Peter was such a unique historian to write this from his perspective. No slacker stringer could have synthesized so much history. Firsthand. And yes I do know that first picture is of Profligate. No big.
It had a link, but the link only goes to the most recent issue. And back issues lock you into a huge PDF. I bailed at 30 mg.
Hawaiian Bob Has a New Website
The old kauaifishing website no longer worked when I last looked.
Now it is
He offers some great fishing and sightseeing from his KHSD 34 powercat. Great mileage and a smooth ride. Yeah displacement hulls! Told me he once saw Holo Holo slicing through the waves one day when the motion was slamming the malahini silly on the other boats. Said he wanted a boat like that but smaller. It doesn’t draw much either.

Cruisers University
Multihulls mag sent me this. Annapolis.
63/65 Trimaran
Fiberlay Seminar
Saturday, May 7th 2011
9am – 3pm
Fiberlay – Seattle
24 South Idaho Street, Seattle WA 98134
$50 per person
(lunch included)
Call for David Chamberlain for details 206-782-0660 or
9am – 10am
Mold Making with Polyurethanes, Silicones & other
10am – 10:15am
10:15am – 1pm
General Composite Materials, Equipment & Infusion Process
1 – 3pm
Questions, Retail Open to Class
New Picture of 21 Motor Cat in China
KHSD Multihulls in Puget Sound/Seattle
Conventional wisdom is that as soon as a multi is built here, it sails for warmer climates. Or that they are all store-bought F-boats that have been capsized at least once.
Actually there are a surprising number of KHSD multihulls building and sailing in this area. None have capsized so far, and the owners are not clubbie so they are not on club memberships. In no particular order, and I must have forgotten several, and I know I’m forgetting a bundle of little daysailors:
49′ cat – Poulsbo
Formula 40 tri- Seattle, for now
45′ cat – Bellingham
45′ cat – Seattle
63’/65′ trimaran – Marysville
56′ cat – Port Angeles
56′ cat – Portland,OR
Chaak 49′ tri – Seattle
Proa 26′ – San Juans
Proa 24′ – Seattle
26′ tri – Bellingham
36′ daycharter cat – Blaine
37′ tri – Seattle
52′ tri – eastside, may not still be on
37′ tri – Bellingham
40′ tri – Bellingham or farther
65′ catamaran ferry – Everett
31′ tri -Port Townsend
27 cat – Seattle
40′ powercat – Tri Cities, OK thats very greater Puget sound.
How about that? Who knew? Let me know if I have forgotten anyone.