singlehanding upwind. one reef.
I have a whole armload of posts for next week. Been jammed up doing an Oceanography Drone Catamaran and Kevin’s new beach cat: deadlines on both.
singlehanding upwind. one reef.
I have a whole armload of posts for next week. Been jammed up doing an Oceanography Drone Catamaran and Kevin’s new beach cat: deadlines on both.
I forget now what the heat distortion temperature of Airex core is. I used to know off top of my head. I did always know it was lower than a cross linked pvc and slightly lower than SEN core. So when I set about heat bending some Airex window stops on the lander, I was surprised that this was all I could get to bend. It was a 100F day and I set the pieces in dark sand that was reading 155F. I thought just a little extra boost from a hair dryer was all I needed. No way. And this was with using weight.
Two competing teams used my F40 cat hulls that year. One was a tri and this one was a cat. This is a video about David’s cat.
That crack in the bow was alarming. Clearly no triaxial nor uni glass was used. They declined laminate design.
I was surprised how heavy and low tech the items like rudders or hatches were on these rowing multis. I was retained to do a design for a trimaran for ’13 but Roy skipped out without paying, so the design sits.
I have gotten another line on a run of carbon uni and carbon biaxial material for my builders.
This in addition to a bunch of e-glass from before. I will post the details here when I see them in print.
I had not seen this one before.
and I thought this one had more interior but I see just a bit at the end.
Simmo’s new sails give Muffalo more power. Flying the main in pretty calm water here.
KHSD 24 tri with great interior.
The multihull sailor and philosopher Mark Evans used to remark that spiders will move into epoxy boats immediately, but never onto polyester boats.
I’m building the spaceship like a boat, with epoxy. This large alpha arachnid in the lunar lander was warning me to back off. It was his house now. There must be human health implications.
I see Derek Kelsall has sent out a mass emailing, inviting me to his workshop. I got two of them, I guess in case I missed it. Says he will increase my understanding. I do understand it. I had forgotten that I had been doing CM about a decade before KSS started and its pretty similar to CM but with bits cut out of the bilge.
The trick as I see it is to start with curved panels; instead of bending flat panels into a curve. The other trick is to resolve the compression along the keel. That way you don’t have to cut bits and then laminate over the cut bits, and next fair that work. I think I sorted that compression out and will build one that way as soon as I get this spaceship done.
I hope I’m still working the problems like Derek is when I get to his age.
A crew on the 55′ daycharter cat Palmetto Breeze sent a picture of the T shirts they sell there. nice.