First 3D model. In weird colors until I understand where everything goes.

First 3D model. In weird colors until I understand where everything goes.
Tom in Holland has been sailing his beautiful KHSD 37′ catamaran.
After sea trials at Raymond, WA, my 48′ daycharter cat Hawea sailed to Oahu.
These pictures came up in my memories. Most were on my previous phone, when the cloud only saved the camera library and none of the others. Some might have been posted here before, but you would have to go back a lot to find them. Good memories.
My 30′ cruising catamaran.
Located in SoCal. It gets used a lot there. CM developed plywood hull construction. A beautiful boat.
This cruising cat was built in Vancouver BC some 30 years ago. Built with the rapid build CM technology. It is still out there doing it.
Adventure Cat is going from a canvas house to a solid composite one,
Am trying to post the updated wingmast article in PDF.
Mystic Cat, my newest CM 48′ daycharter catamaran has arrived in it’s home port of Buffalo, NY.
A couple of pictures of Tunnel Vision, my 42′ cruising cat in SoCal.