2018 was an odd year for my power trimarans. Two customers insisted on the amas being hidden if not all the time, at least in the harbor. They claimed trimarans are ugly but they wanted the benefits. I found a concurring opinion in Boat magazine, a glossy megayacht monthly. In an article on White Rabbit, a 275′ x 66′ “trimaran” they write about trimarans, “some people might not like the look of them.” As you can see in the Boat picture, it has pretty well hidden the amas. I would put it in the stuff done wrong folder, by gold plated design office who has never done a trimaran before.

My first one was a trawler in Estonia where it needed the stability and economy of a trimaran, but the amas must be as invisible as possible. It had so much volume that they had to be big enough. Job ended.

Another one in the last autumn wanted to power trimaran around the world. But the amas had to be hidden in harbor. I broke my rule about giving away too much free work because the project was interesting. 3D modeling was not in the scope of work and not paid for. I did it anyway. Closest I could come up with was sliding in at harbor. He wanted a very organic rounded look. Customer called up screaming that I was cheating him with work he didn’t authorize. I told him it was free. I never heard from him again. Picture is in mode.

The pic of the White Rabbit you’ve got there looks like it was based on the Benchijigua Express by Austal, a super-cool and reportedly really successful design, so I’d say WR was probably a job well done
Hi Kurt,
Come on, everybody knows that the Masters of the Universe don’t have 200 foot yachts built because they intend to actually use them. Their only purpose is for impressing their fellow oligarchs by having something they don’t.