Category Archives: Boats for sale

44′ Super Efficient Power Cat

This is a new 44’ powercat design by Kurt. It is simple, elegant, and perhaps the most bang-for-the-buck design I’ve seen. Kurt estimates displacement at 2550 kg/5600 lbs, which i suppose indicates the boat dry would be 4000 lbs and change. This would be a very easily driven hull.  2x 50-60hp outboards should be sufficient to go fast, and the mpg is going to be spectacular. Twin 40 gal tanks should give a range of 400-1000+ miles depending on conditions and how fast you want to go. Beam as designed fits in 18’/5.5m for docking, but could (should) be increased to 22′ -24′.

I am a professional boat builder and this is a boat I would love to build. A client of mine has commissioned these plans from Kurt and a detailed construction spreadsheet from me. At the moment they are unsure whether they wish to proceed with this design. Plans might be available at a discounted price. If you are interested, we are available to build this boat during the coming winter in Sarasota, Florida. If you are in Asia we can arrange to build this in the Philippines. Drop me an email at or text/call 1.941.323.5122. 

To see more of Kurt’s designs, check out

Injuries Discontinue Project. Composite Materials for Sale

If interested hit me back at text at 206-719-4893.  I will connect you with seller.

until I get price guidance, make an offer.

3/4″ 19mm (6PCF)
(Bead & Cove) Planks – 2.50″ Wide – 89.50″ Long = 235.75 sq. in.
235.75 sq. in. / 144 = 1.55381/sq. ft. per plank
120 sq. ft. /1.55381/sq. ft per plank = 77.2 planks

Plank Count /Box = 272 planks
5 Boxes = 1360 planks = 121,720.00 Inches/12 = 10,143.33 Total feet

727.5 Total Yards

115.21/box 1
115.21/box 2
196/box 3
196/box 4
105/box 5

ImiLoa for Sale

I see that the Choy catamaran ImiLoa is for sale.

ImiLoa was kind of famous here in the PNW back in the old days.  First, let me explain who Larry Christensen is.  Back in the 60s he designed and built a 37′ trimaran that was years ahead of it’s time.  Invictius had a huge dagger board, was wide, and had big amas way out there.  And it was rigged to excel upwind, for its time.  Unlike the famous Atlantic ocean trimaran designers who were using 3 strand halyards and had huge forestay sag,  back then. 

Larry basically schooled a whole generation of builders and sailors here in the PNW, including me.  And he did every race he could, including a couple of Transpacs.  Am doing this from memory.  Anyone actually knows more, do share.

So ImiLoa came to the PNW to do the Swiftsure.  They were bragging that they were going to clean everybody’s clock, including Larrys.  “Wait,” Larry said, ” You are telling me that you don’t have boards on that boat?”  “No.”  “You won’t even finish on the same day that I do.”  They didn’t.

I see on the specifications and the boat,  that it has boards now.  Larry must have taken them to school also.  Does anyone recall what year that was?


Charter Cat for Sale

This 36′ x 24′ daycharter cat is for sale.   Owner hopes to sell soon. 

Built using CM plywood epoxy construction with cored decks.
pair of new honda 15 hp high thrust with 20 hours each.
Lefiel mast, boom and bowtube
Teleflex steering
Harken hardware
Staaf sails
Kick-up rudders
Portabote tender
KED lights
Life Sling                                                                                                                                   Lifelines                                                                                                                                           2 Bruce anchors

Seller wants $90K, down from $100K. It does have USCG stamped plans for 24 pax and out 20 miles, but owner never did go for COI. I can do that. I suspect it only needs new application for inspection, deadweight survey and stability calcs.  I will assist with those.
It is demountable and does all fit into one container except the mast. Is here in Washington state but can be shipped anywhere.  Contact me at 206-284-6346 or at


