First 3D model. In weird colors until I understand where everything goes.
Category Archives: Cruising Multihulls
My 37′ Catamaran Is Sailing In The Netherlands
Tom in Holland has been sailing his beautiful KHSD 37′ catamaran.
Another Picture of Famu Sami
My 46′ fast cruising trimaran.
My 32′ Cruising Trimaran
Sailing in Puget Sound.
A Whole Raft Of Pictures
These pictures came up in my memories. Most were on my previous phone, when the cloud only saved the camera library and none of the others. Some might have been posted here before, but you would have to go back a lot to find them. Good memories.
My 30′ cruising catamaran.
Remember the Time
This great picture of my 30′ cruising cat just came up in my feed. James and Emily sailed it extensively. CM developed plywood construction.
A Great Picture of My 42′ Cruising Cat
Located in SoCal. It gets used a lot there. CM developed plywood hull construction. A beautiful boat.
New 44′ Catamaran Design
I have just been given permission to release my new 44′ sailing catamaran design. It was based on my circumnavigating 42′ cat. With lots of improvements. It will be on the website soon. Foam/glass.
Capricorn Cat Coming Home From Hawaii
my first 45′ cat design, with a video of their trip back from Hawaii.
Grit Heads South
I got this nice picture from the owners of Grit, one of my heavily modified 45′ cruising cat designs. Heading South for the winter. Notice that the mast is now up.