Cliff got master builder Joe Kitchel to come up and do a Berlitz class on boatbuilding for Cliff and the boys. It worked. Beautiful hulls with no delamination. It took place in an abandoned fruit warehouse nearby. It was well insulated so they could run the temperature up as needed.
the mold. by Turning Point Design of Port Townsend.a half hull, with the completed one behind. solid foam crush bow.the completed first hull. beautiful workas an example of how serious Cliff was, this is a heated lamination table.
Hi! I’m starting the build of a kurt hughes design day charter cat to be completed spring 2022 in southwest florida. it will be a cylinder molded wood composite build. I’d like to communicate with anyone else who is currently building, or has built a similar boat. i’m a professional boat builder, having built and worked on several of kurts designs.
couple of questions:
anybody have a suitable dagger board mold? or want to use mine when i’m done with it?
any good leads for sourcing rudder shafting?
if anyone needs uni or triax i have found somebody with a couple tons nearby (sarasota area). vectrix and very reasonably priced. let me know in the comments and i’ll post info.
I found a picture of the new Lake Chelan ferry taken during sea trials.
It was loaded down with about 8000 lbs. of sandbags, which was to simulate 32 passengers and a ton of cargo. It did the required 20 knots, but I thought it should have been able to do better. It still could.
The pair of 200 hp. outboards were still new and weren’t pushed exceed 4000 rpm. The props had not been experimented with.
There was substantial water sloshing around in the bilges. The roll and tip bottom paint application was never tipped. The surface was like sandpaper. The owner can wet-sand the hulls. And finally, there were a few divots below the waterline that could be filled next haul-out.
I got to visit my 49′ daycharter cat in Fort Lauderdale . Always one of my favorites. Met captain Jason. Built mid 90’s by legendary builder, Andre Cocquyt as a composites class project. Students included IBEX presenter, Belle, Blanding. Still looks good and can be built remotely from assembly.
A screen grab of an upgrade to the 36′ daycharter cat. Foam/glass with flat bagging table used for most of it. Full standing headroom in hulls, and a bit more elbow room. But still a skinny, easily driven waterplane. 24 passenger typically, though JS got 49 pax on his.