I just got the latest and first on water pictures of Frank’s KHSD 44 built in Indonesia. Lots of flat bagging table stuff. It looks great. It will have a wing mast. Trying for an overall pic next.
Category Archives: New Designs
Pipeline 3 Heads Out
Pipeline 3 heading down the St. George River. She and her crew are headed south – like way south to the Bahamas or Caribbean. Check out her transformation here – http://www.lymanmorse.com/boats/pipeline-3-kurt-hughes-165
Recall that she was Salty’s KHSD 46 trimaran known as Famu Sami.
LeapSonic – Speakerless Speakers
While in Japan I met Whitney Rich. He has several companies including one that makes speakers using, well “LeapSonic is a small speaker that can turn a resonant flat surface into a flat panel speaker. The LeapSonic sound actuator is attached to a smooth resonant surface; this surface then acts as speaker.” See http://www.leapsonic.com/
I imagine these could be very useful on multis; especially tour and charter multis.
Back. I see there are 1200 emails. I will be getting back with everybodys’ projects as soon as possible.
27 Cat Update
This is an update to my venerable 27’ sailing catamaran design. I am doing it first in foam/glass, largely built on a bagging table, then later will do it in CM developed plywood.
The interior space has increased, but the overall configuration is the same. The berth width inside will be just over 3’ wide. Like on the original, the galley and seating will be just inside.
It will still fit on a trailer. More on features when I get a chance.
27 Cat Update
I’m modeling an update to my early 27′ catamaran design. That was 1983 as I recall.
It will be first designed in bagging table foam/glass, then next in the rapid CM plywood epoxy. I’m trying to keep the original functionality but with sick new looks.
Redoing another version. Figured out how to keep the inside space as big but looking smaller. That’s what designing is.
Mini Ocean Liner
Transit Shuttle Catamaran
I am getting work done when out of the office.
This 25’ shuttle catamaran is designed to take people off of a beach, across a reef, and out to the deep water charter catamaran.
It is 25’-4” x 9’ x 8”. It can be trailered and will cross a very shallow reef easily where it will work in Kauai.
It has an almost flat bottom to maximize displacement, and flared sides to increase pounds per inch of immersion for every added inch.
Someone called me a couple of months ago from Oahu who wanted their deep water cat design to get across a 1’ deep reef. Could not be done. This could be the solution.
Plate Expansion Program
Does anyone have a suggestion on a plates expansion program that they trust? I have used Vacanti’s B-Plates for many years, but it seems Dave has given up on supporting it. It was always cranky but worked. Until now. Both Microstation and Rhino proport to do that but I don’t trust them yet.
Oceanography Drone
Over the last month I got to design an oceanography research drone. It is only 157″ long and carries a research cargo that I am not allowed to show. Oddly it is aluminum. The builders of the whole package were open to composite but the end users insisted on doing alloy.
This was the project that crashed both Microstation and Vacanti’s B-Plates program. Both companies seem to have given up on a solution. Among other problems, Microstation seemed unable to export any usable non-native surface nor solid format. I ended up only able to export the chine splines and customer had to make surfaces there. You would think that level of fail would be shareware, not a $5000 program. Attempting all manner of work-arounds took longer than the actual billable work.
The notch aft is for an azmuth drive.