I’m almost done with designing this 54′ composite trimaran for a customer who grew up on a cruising Piver.
It will be electric powered hence all the photovoltaics.

I’m almost done with designing this 54′ composite trimaran for a customer who grew up on a cruising Piver.
It will be electric powered hence all the photovoltaics.
I have been commissioned to design a 130′ trimaran freighter. Foam/glass. It will hold small containers. Roll on roll off. It will have lounging area for a dozen day passengers. Caribbean.
A customer, Terry, didn’t get around to building his actual boat yet, but he built a model. I like yellow boats.
I just got pictures of a CM built Tomcat 30 trimaran with updated amas. It looks hot. It was built in the early 90s as I recall.
I just got this picture of the 3rd or 4th design that I ever did. Back in the hand drawing days. Cylinder molded plywood/epoxy. 1986 I think it was. It still looks really good to me. 37 feet.
When I ordered the carbon fiber cross tubes for my yellow 12′ trimaran, I assumed a modulus of about 16 million. And I speced the thickness accordingly.
I just got the spec sheet from the manufacturer.
8.5 x 10 to the 7th.
I checked with a scientist I know. That is 85 million.
That is more than 5 times the modulus. Wow.
They aren’t going anywhere.
Painted with Awlgrip clearcoat.
The Meermark 17, a Kurt Hughes designed 17 footer that provides, easy, safe, fun, fast and affordable sailing to everyone. #sailing #sailingforeveryone #sailability.
This 37′ trimaran is one of my earliest. It was completely before CADD.