Use program:
Shorthanded sailing for both racing and cruising.
Demountable and able to fit into a tallboy container.
This design is the latest update to a design that I did several years ago for Phil Steggall.
It also has several features that I developed while sailing my own F40 Geko. First of these is the addition of an actual cabin from main hull flare. Any time a few people come aboard for a sail, their gear has to go somewhere, The 7 foot wide cabin also allows a canopy to hide under in bad weather. On the much narrower Geko, that space was taken up by winches.
The outboard is mounted beside the cockpit instead of back on the transom. When shorthanding having the motor right there without leaving the cockpit is important. On the Geko an 8 hp outboard would push it to 7 knots in chop and once did 11 knots on flat water.
It has a single board in the main hull. Vertical and aft of the mast a bit. In Marchaj we find that a vertical board has the most even stall characteristics and also less deflection for the span. Fully down, the board is a couple of feet below the cabin top. Downwind the boom can be lifted a couple of feet to reduce board draft. I don’t understand the trimarans that suffer the inefficiency of swept boards.
Board down, the draft is something like 10 feet.
As usual it has 200% buoyancy amas.
Presently the design has ama rudders.
Foils were not chosen as they work best with larger crews.
Construction is strip foam and unidirectional e-glass for the main hull. The amas could be the same or even a combination of developed plywood and carbon fiber.
Beams are core with carbon fiber.
Geometry is virtually square with the width almost a much as the length overall. Doesn’t that make it wider than a Rapido 60?
I just got this picture from Fisherman’s Bay, Lopez Island. No wake and fast. Of course. I don’t know what design. It looks about right to me though.
Maybe a bit bigger amas with reverse bows also. For that badly timed run out Cattle Pass.
I just got this picture of one of my 37′ trimaran designs from the old days. It must have been the third or fourth design I ever did. August 1986. Hand drawing days. I’m struck by how good it looks to me at the first telling glance. Cylinder molded plywood epoxy. I hear that it also may be for sale soon.
I am doing more scans from the old photos. This is Smoholla the Shaman racing, probably in summer 1981. It would have had the board instead of the keel, but with the old amas still.
Its interesting that we are behind Seafire, a Brown 40, as we won every race that year. Except a second against Limelight at Hoggshead. The mug is the diabolically brilliant Bob Dean. I’m not sure who the speedy cat on the left is. Maybe it is Limelight. This was a scan of an ancient Xerox. You use what you got; goes for photos and sail wardrobes.
One of the fun things about this job is that I get to see all kinds of things.
Someone sent this to me asking if I wanted to invest in this big production run. I’m always amused that the proponents of these kind of units are so certain of their success, without any water miles.
I finally got the first run of modeling the updated 23 daysail trimaran. Version B will have ama rudders and the even hotter version C will have foils. It is a developed plywood/epoxy unit with core vacuum bagged onto the flat surfaces needing that. And carbon fiber where it helps. At around 360 kg lightship weight, it can be built for around $5000 us in construction materials. The connecting beams should be carbon mast sections. The camper version comes next.
A couple of people have noted to me that this new MM TF-10 looks like my Trikala 19, with foils.
I must have come up in the world. MM used to only copy Tony Grainger.
Has to be another Palmer Johnson. Not sure why they even bothered adding the amas. It is still a huge fuel guzzling megayacht. It must be some kind of cultural change when vestigal amas are added to megayachts as style points.
As an aside, Andre Cocquyt is presenting the 32′ KHSD power tri at the PBB Refit Show in Ft. Lauderdale later this January 26 and 27.