Free Dashew Weather Books

From Lat 38.
“Dashew Offshore, Beowulf Publishing, and the FPB team have been blessed with the support of the cruising community for many years, and we’d like to return the favor in a small way,” they wrote on their blog, “We are making these two books, Mariner’s Weather Handbook and Surviving the Storm, available for free as PDF files. We hope Mariner’s Weather Handbook helps you avoid the need for Surviving the Storm. If these books help a few of our fellow cruisers have a more enjoyable experience, and perhaps stay out of difficulty, we will have been amply repaid.”

Even if you have the hard copies of these books, the PDFs can be easily loaded onto your tablet or computer for quick and easy reference whenever the weather gods decide to get frisky. Click HERE to be taken to their site; the download links are at the end of a fascinating post on forecasting, storm tactics and successful cruising.”

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