Gecko Sightings

I expect there to be a number of sightings of Gecko out sailing in the coming couple of weeks. New owner will be playing in the local waters for a while.

2 thoughts on “Gecko Sightings”

    1. yeah, new chapter. It will end up in Netherlands. New owner was just going to cruise it, but after he sailed in some wind last sunday he told me “I’m going to set some records in Holland.”
      The last race, a couple of years ago kind of did it for me. Was Shilshoe to Edmonds and back. As usual multis start last. Wind about 14 from Edmonds and dropping. Moved up through fleet with VMG of 11 as I recall. At the mark the spinn squeezer fouled and finally Tim demanded that it be gotten rid of. By time that was cleaned up and spinn set, winners were approaching finish some miles ahead. Hoisted kite as wind filled in again. Finished a hundred meters or so behind winners. Wind up to 16 or 17 now. Tim wants to impress the natives so he lights it up to reach under spin along the line. Spin explodes and mast whips so hard diamond wires jump off one side. Mast looks bent. I realized anything I do like this could cost me $10,000. And if I don’t fix everything, the boat is worth nothing. Mast was not bent but I got my scare. Then CSR closed yard with the crane so haulout for tri is very expensive and difficult now. New chapter.

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