Day 1 Leaving Galapagos –
Beautiful day. Started out with some nice rain to wash the boat, then a pleasant 10 knots of wind to push us along. We have been with spinnaker and main all day, with our speed varying with the wind. There is a large pleasant swell coming out of the Southeast, and some smaller swells coming from a variety of other directions.
We caught another giant Yellow Tail. This one was about 3.5′ long and gave us around 20 pounds of delicious meat. Looks like we will not be fishing for another week. This one was not a giant fighter, nor as big as the last one, but still giant!
Everyone is doing great, and we are all making predictions as to how long it is going to take! My guess is around 23 days, with time off for great wind days!
There are 3 other catamarans leaving today also, and two larger catamarans that have already left, so the race is on!
Until tomorrow!!