A couple of people have noted to me that this new MM TF-10 looks like my Trikala 19, with foils.
I must have come up in the world. MM used to only copy Tony Grainger.
Seems like there is a saying about imitation and flattery. Also, a bit off the subject, but your drawings of Trikala look like they have been updated as compared to those on your webpage. Have the plans been updated?
I hope you are kidding on this one arent you?
Not even close! The daggerboards and crossbeams plus the M & M brand on the TF 10 undoubtedly cost more than the entire Trikola!
Seems like there is a saying about imitation and flattery. Also, a bit off the subject, but your drawings of Trikala look like they have been updated as compared to those on your webpage. Have the plans been updated?
Oh, you are right. I had better set about it. Completely updated.