More Bagging Seal

Just back from Home Depot where I tried to find something called Roofers Sticky Tape. No joy. They had never heard of it and did not have it. I find it on a note from last IBEX, maybe from Jim Gardiner? By the name, it sounds ideal. I imagined some nasty, black, cheap, industrial sealer on a roll.
I did get some Scotch Indoor Mounting Tape for $10. 350 inches. So far nothing seems to beat Liquid Nails Projects, at under $2 a tube. Most baggings take just overĀ one tube and the excess in the opened tube keeps until next time.
Anybody has any more on the Roofers Sticky Tape, let me know.

4 thoughts on “More Bagging Seal”

  1. Is there any chance that 3m double-sided sticky tape would work? Be it their standard, heavy duty stuff. Their carpet tape. Or something a bit lighter duty, like what’s used in Window Winter Sealing kits.

    Type “double sided tape” into the search box on & you get 20-some choices. And loads more choices than that if you do a standard Google search.
    The perk of the latter search is that you can also see some reviews of the tape, & it’s strengths + weaknesses prior to heading out shopping. That & of course do price comparisons as well.

    Some of the carpet tape is quite cheap. As in inexpensie enough to use it on a small test project prior to doing something that’s both structurally critical, & expensive, like a full sized hull panel, or similar.
    Just an example of such findings –

    “Two sided carpet tape” search on

    Also, a phone call or three to 3M & or their competitors would likely yield some favorable results, given that “things sticky” is one of their areas of expertise.
    Take 10-15 min. & find the guy who’s worked there for 10-20 years. And establish a good rapport with him, odds are & he’ll set you up. And as a perk, he’ll likely remember you if/when you call back 3-5 years from now, or if you send a friend to him, telling said friend to mentiion your name.

    1. I got some of the 3M double sided tape at home depot and will try. I expect the polytarp will need to be stretched tight first, both top and bottom.

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