Ok Ok, I once designed a steel freighter. For some Russians. Was about 12 years ago. Not sure if it ever got built. About 120 feet long as I recall. Cut-away view here. Looks interesting.
Mark Evans
Looking for some pictures for a customer, I stumbled onto these. Mark Evans with his tri Tachyon at Kelly’s Landing here in Seattle, in 1977 or 1978. Mark was a sort of guru for a generation of PNW multihull builders and sailors. Design is a Sally Lightfoot 26.
One of the best sails I ever had was with Mark. We were sailing in a snowstorm here on Lake Union. December ’78. Utterly silent.
Multihulls World
The latest edition of Multihulls World.
Maybe someday they will have one of my boats in it. I probably have as many projects going at any moment as any other designer out there.
More from Hiiumaa Island
I have mixed feelings about these pictures. I just got them from the builders of my 46′ power cat design in Estonia. They took my 3D model and hired a kid to finish it up, as he works for much less than I do. The earth is indeed flat. The kid did good work. I get to see it on the water at the Helsinki Boat Show I hear.
Teardrop Trailer
A few years back a multihull sailor friend wanted to face the recession proactively by building teardrop trailers. Its really a pretty good idea to use boatbuilding technology to do that. I designed one using a sandwich of 3mm plywood faces with 3/4″ pvc core. Biaxial corners and glass cloth on the exterior and wear surfaces. I recall he built it bright. It is light, strong, quiet and insulated. He had a budget of one hour design time, so the 3D model is pretty spare. A little time spent scaling the wood grain and adding some homey details like windows would have helped the cuteness. There it is.
Thain Boats
I might have included these guys long ago, but they have been busy building my passenger ferry and other projects so here they are again. I go there to see the latest on my passenger ferries for Uganda. http://www.thainboats.com/
They are also now building the catamaran houseboat hulls that I designed for Rod Gibbons. See http://www.eco-seacottage.com/
Speaking of Gifts
The new Design Portfolio makes a great gift. Order online at http://www.multihulldesigns.com/portfolio.htm I see that my posting of this new book on the website got overwritten with the old book. You will get the new book. I will fix that on the site as soon as I can.
Solar Lantern
From the pages of the online Latitude 38 http://www.latitude38.com/lectronic/lectronicday.lasso?date=2012-11-26#.ULQB9uQ0WSo
Pretty cool. Found© 2012 Southbound Solar / www.southboundsolar.com
Charter Cat Rolls Over in Florida
A daycharter cat in Florida rolled over from a wave during thanskgiving. Notes thanks to Earl Dame. http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2012-11-23/news/fl-pompano-dive-boat-folo-20121123_1_rough-seas-hillsboro-inlet-high-seas
Look how narrow overall it is for its 45′ length. Only 14.4′. It looks like a powercat designed by guys who were chopper-gunning truck bed covers just a few years ago. Not only do the sum of the hull widths look like they are about half the beam overall, it has planing speedboat bows for displacement boat speeds. No wonder it took twice 225 hp to go 20 knots! A 45′ cat that I or Roger (Hatfield) or even Gino would design would do that 20 knots with about 80 hp per side. Certainly not over 100 hp per side.
The narrow overall beam shouts beginner to me.
the Second Boat that I Built
I just got note that the second boat I ever built (third one I designed) is for sale. I remember it being very quick. I once literally sailed circles around a sailing Cross trimaran with it.