I am ducking out for a few days so I can get some design work done. When I'm in the office it is all answering emai
l, phone calls and responding hundreds of little emergencies. I need some total immersion to do nothing but designing.
I am ducking out for a few days so I can get some design work done. When I'm in the office it is all answering emai
l, phone calls and responding hundreds of little emergencies. I need some total immersion to do nothing but designing.
The Design Book is getting a major update for
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2012. Underway now. Besides the real work.
I always appreciate the rave. Makes the slog worthwhile. Ralph is building a 43 tri.
Thanks, and thanks for your time on the phone.The boats you have designed are the answer to everything one
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could want in a boat: ease of build, cutting edge technology, excellent safety and sailability, and very important to me: the ability to build remote to launch site.
The video is priceless.
Ralph ”
In 2009, a client with one of my 46' charter cats had a low bridge to deal with. And he had some extrusions lying around that he wanted to use. Both rotating, and deck stepped.
Before the rig was built, he got another location to use the boat. Unusual arrangement, but workable. I think an unstayed rig would have been better.
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Seattle got 6″ (150 mm) of snow last week. The city basically shut down. The printers
were closed. It'
s gone now. Everybody's study plans will go out this week.
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led upon this picture of Kamanu, my first USCG certified catamaran design. This fog is the volcano, I was told. I designed her in 1984 and she is still going out every day in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. CM epoxy/plywood. The head is tucked in a nacelle under the mast. Always one of my favorites.
“32tripsp4″ width=”400”
height=”214″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-1040″ /> Did this 32 power charter tri for Goa. Trying the tropical corrugated metal look, but in composite. Seats 16.