I forgot to mention that I spent a couple of days away in the desert working on the lunar lander project. www.themarsoutpost.com. Recall it is a low impact tiny house built with boat building materials and techniques.
Latest, the lower floor bits bonded together with epoxy finally. Resting on main floor for now. It will be inserted into the white bit behind it. I do have to scramble a bit for the next month or two to stay ahead of the UV. It has to get to primer as soon as possible.
Diamond Seaglaze
Last week I got to visit Alex’s 45′ KHSD catamaran up in Bellingham again. Alex always has useful tips on products. I will be posting pictures from the trip shortly. Meanwhile, it turns out that Diamond Sea Glaze marine window company has a kind of ongoing yardsale on the odd window. As Alex notes, “Here’s the link to Diamond Sea Glaze: http://diamondseaglaze.com/
Go to the products tab. They don’t call it ‘surplus’ or ‘overstock’ but ‘in stock'”
A company called Uline sells shipping supplies. www.uline.com
Among many things that boatbuilders might use, I found pallet covers on page 133. They are basically vacuum bags with only one side open. Only up to 5′ by 5′ or on the next page, 3-1/2′ by 12′ as sofa covers. Would speed up bagging small parts.
Leila Pops Up
My 48′ daycharter design Leila, working for Kevin at HoloHolo Charters in Kauai now pops up along the side of various sites.
The 75 tri is now a 79
Catamaran Build in China
And Also Out Doing It
Nick Out There Doing It.
Wide Multihull Haulouts on Puget Sound
I have gotten report that multis are and can be hauled out at the foot of Alexander Ave. E. in Tacoma. See http://goo.gl/maps/2zoHb
Let me know if anyone has any better information on this.
Gel Magic
I have been using System 3 Gel Magic for my bogging jobs for a while. http://www.systemthree.com/store/pc/SilverTip-GelMagic-c16.htm
The resin part is blue and I call it Smurf snot. Apparently you have mixed it enough when the color goes away. I mix even more just in case.
I especially like it over epoxy and powder mix for two reasons. First, I am able to mix something like twice the bog volume in a given time because I don’t have to take the time to mix in powder. And if you throw it at some part’s vertical surface, it just hangs there, not dripping.
I had been using regular hardner and it was going off too fast in even just 70 degree days. I finally got the extra slow and its just what I needed working by myself on the project.
Interestingly, if you add any powder, the “just hang there” goes away and it slumps. For that reason, when I extend it with spheres powder, I also add cabosil.