Part of what I am doing on the lunar lander dwelling project; building a tiny house using boat construction, is to test the limits of many techniques and products. I took the VHB tape past its limit. I tried to use it to attach an acrylic shower door without any fasteners; a worthy goal. While … Continue reading VHB Tape Fail →
VHB tape is wonderful stuff to stick things together. It was created for attaching windows to things, with no fasteners. However, I just had an illustrative example of when not to use it. I was very impressed with the VHB tape on the lunar lander dome. It had a steel frame to stick to. Straight … Continue reading When Not To Use VHB Tape →
I had this article on VHB here almost a year ago. I did use some 200 lineal feet of VHB tape on the lunar lander dome windows. The lunar lander windows have been there for 9 months now, in up to 100 mph winds. Recently one panel blew off in much less wind. I … Continue reading More VHB Tape →
This week will be tough on deadlines. The dome acrylic project on the lunar lander dwelling came up two short. It seems the fabricators misunderstood the number 20. The VHB tape is all ready in place on the dome. The missing two panels must be installed as soon as possible. I have a small weather … Continue reading This Week →
Not actual boat but boat construction. On the lunar lander dwelling, my house built like a boat, I had planned to use the 3M VHB tape to stick the acrylic dome panels down. I had understood that better results come from using an adhesive promoter in this cool time of year. Uline, my tape supplier … Continue reading Fisheries Supply Comes Through →
After seeing several instances of Norton double sided sticky glazing tape on my cat builds, I had assumed that it was as good as the 3M VHB products. Maybe even better as it had more thickness. I have just been informed by Norton that their double sided adhesive tape is not actually adhesive and should … Continue reading Glazing Sticky Tape Update →
Fellow catamaran designer Richard Woods did some nice research on sticking windows. He contacted 3M, and this is what they replied: Thank you for contacting 3M, the innovation company. Our VHB tapes are suitable for bonding plexiglass windows to a fiberglass boat. A similar application bonding windows in motor homes is currently utilizing VHB tape. … Continue reading Window Sticky Tape →
Catamarans and Trimarans with Kurt Hughes