If you could answer these questions and forward the answers to me to help start the design process.
- How long should be between charging batteries, once a day, twice a day, two days?
- Singlehanding needed?
- Shorttacking is fun
- The sole should be flat
- In light weather the boat should power if speed falls below 5 knots?
- Dining seats must be face to face?
- Galley should be out of traffic?
- Head area should be separate?
- All winches should be hand powered?
- Transom steps?
- Boat should be able to be beached?
- Kickup rudders?
- Shoal draft important?
- Unobstructed inside headroom is important
- Leangth of trips planned?
- Motor noise?
- Sea noise?
- Weight/cost tradeoffs
- Resale is important?
- Interior style? Old yacht-eurostyle-plastic boat style-mega yacht style
- Reefing gear type
- Frequency of anchoring intended
- Frequency of tacking and trimming intended
- Racing intended
- Helm should be covered from weather
- Good raingear is all that is needed
- Trimming quality verses helmstation comfort tradeoffs
- Most time under sail will be spent where?
- Most time at anchor will be spent where?
- Previous boats?
- Previous voyages?
- Previous races?
- How important is boatspeed?
- Boatspeed verses comfort tradeoffs
- Budget
- Examples of best multi you have seen
- Examples of worst multi that you have seen
- Number of persons expected on most or typical voyages, and relationship of those people
- Most work will be upwind or downwind
- Rotating mast or not
- Fractional rig or not
- Fuel choice, why?
- Engine choice, why?
- How good should paint job be?
- Are there any other questions that i should have asked, but forgot to?