This Melvin and Morelli tri was hauled out recently in Seattle. It is intended for the R2AK race this summer.
I understand that it is all carbon fiber, which can make it light. And the amas look full length, which is good.
Now, I am assuming that the first 3/4 of the race after Victoria will basically be like sailing in the San Juans in the summer. Light, shifty air. Short tacking, and again, and again. Through kelp beds. Crew on the leeward side to drape some shape into the jib and pull the wider main hull out of the water.
If I may, those amas look to me like they were designed for tradewind conditions, not 4 knots true. They look like they were designed by someone who had never sailed in the San Juans in the summer. The fat waterplane down low is draggy in light wind. And why don’t the amas join at the inboard side, instead of the middle. That would save weight and make the beam and the join stiffer.
I would offer them some improved amas that would increase light weather speed compared to these. They could slide right on, and even improve the BOA. I won’t hold my breath. With the MM plans costing 10 times what mine do, they surely have Stockholm syndrome and will ignore the physics.