All posts by kurt

KHSD 45 Launch

I was sent a link to the launch of one of my 45 cats. It does not say whose boat it is. Splashy orange paint makes it look like a G4.



I do have several concerns upon looking closer.  Where did the forward cockpit come from?  I thought both Lat 38 magazine and I made good cases against doing that.  Imagine opening the front door slugging  to windward in a gale.

Next, vertical windows?  Trying to imitate Gunboat again?  Even my F150 doesn’t have vertical windows.   I can’t tell if the window framing is plywood or foam/glass, but my sense is the windows will be blown out in the first chop the boat encounters.  That would be survivable if the boat had a weather deck.  That is coamings at the companionways.  It does not.  I hope I don’t see this unit on the news.  A design is not a basket of features; it has to have an underlying cohesion of concept.


Alex Is Cruising

Alex took Salty Cat out for a cruise to Sucia Island. “There was no dock space available and the mooring buoys were all taken so we had to anchor. We did this at the shallow head of the bay, much to the envy of the deeper draft sailboats.”  Recall Salty Cat is a 45′ foam/glass cat with an unstayed Aeroesque mast.

