More Greg Lynn Trimaran

I have to admit this unit looks so cool that I can’t stand it. What a work of art!   The green windows make no logical sense but how cool are they? 

It almost like a 15 year old gamer designed it to only exist in cyberspace, unrestrained by how it will be at sea.  I can think of a dozen things that will not be right at sea, but it doesn’t matter.  It looks so cool.



14 thoughts on “More Greg Lynn Trimaran”

  1. All new boats are competitive when you compare them with outdated designs. .

    Every thing I have mention is still on the development horizons / being developed now and rapidly developing for future designs at this present point on time.

    Foils all forms – retractable with combinations not just a single design or foil they are going to give a vessel the winning edge.

    A turbo charged car will on most occasions beat a non turbo charged car with the same hp rating, gear ratio aero dynamics and foils.

    Remember these are very early days so things are going to get better and faster all the time!

    The virtual flying technology will support the vital link between sailors and designers, creating an important feed mechanism between the two core parts for performance analysis. It will also provide an equally important data base info for the design optimisation processes.

    Every time a design has a foiling boat to obtain additional data / obtained directly or shared something new will be learned that can be used to improve it, the boat, the sailors and the more that is learned / used the more it will become one of the most vital designers crew tools.

    Designers for ocean racing / cruisers trimarans will one day have alliances with the specialist foiling designers, Autoclave Carbon Bonding processes facilities,tank testing data specialists,structural analysis experts, wind tunnel facilities and other experts especially if they belong to the same yacht and golf clubs. If they don’t have the data – skills – knowledge – know how – or computer programmes.

    It is possible the organisations that have these tools will perhaps, to gain revenue sell the data / their services to lesser non threatening mere mortals.

    Daring designs and innovation are always rewarded.

    T-foil rudders have been proved hugely advantages and there is considerable more room to advance them even further.

    The system of lifting surfaces clearly have been proved and the rudders have survived heavy weather and pollution debris. Races have proved the validity and the reliability re T foil Rudders sailing with rough weather and other weather conditions for entire long sailing periods.

    The T-foil rudders create an unquestionable turbo effect at certain points of sail. The addition re such a system also has appeal re safety as they produce increased stability, which allows helmsman to push hard in breezy conditions without putting a vessel and crew in danger.

    A quote I observed.

    “:The future might be foiling for a few wealthy individuals for everyone else we will do what is practical and affordable.”

    Pleased people agree the future is with foiling trimarans.

    Did not get excited re the gun boat G4 except it foiled on there first test run. I can think about 10 or more reasons why I would not like to own or sail on that configuration as is. First Race it capsized.

    Not every person is on a low or moderate wage and yes some can service a boat loan instead of a house loan some have other avenues and joint ownership is on the rise and has been for years. E.G four individuals or more can pool their resources for a project and others with lateral thinking can arrange sponsorship funding.


  2. Owen do you agree FINN does not have lifting dagger boards .Has a centre board main hull only.

    Do you have any performance data re FINN or race results to support your views that FINN will be competitive. All new boats are competitive when you compare them with outdated designs. .

    Every thing I have mention is still on the development horizons / being developed now and rapidly developing for future designs at this present point on time.

    Foils all forms – retractable with combinations not just a single design or foil they are going to give a vessel the winning edge.

    A turbo charged car will on most occasions beat a non turbo charged car with the same hp rating, gear ratio aero dynamics and foils.

    Remember these are very early days so things are going to get better and faster all the time!

    The virtual flying technology will support the vital link between sailors and designers, creating an important feed mechanism between the two core parts for performance analysis. It will also provide an equally important data base info for the design optimisation processes.

    Every time a design has a foiling boat to obtain additional data / obtained directly or shared something new will be learned that can be used to improve it, the boat, the sailors and the more that is learned / used the more it will become one of the most vital designers crew tools.

    Designers for ocean racing / cruisers trimarans will have alliances with the specialist foiling/ tank testing data specialists, structural analysis experts and other experts if they don’t have the data – skills – knowledge – know how – or computer programmes. Especially if they live at the same city and perhaps are members at the same yacht club, golf clubs.

    It is possible the organisations that have these tools will perhaps, to gain revenue sell the data / their services to lesser non threatening mere mortals.

    Daring designs and innovation are always rewarded.

    T-foil rudders have been proved hugely advantages and there is considerable more room to advance them even further.
    The system of lifting surfaces clearly have been proved and the rudders have survived heavy weather and pollution debris. Races have proved the validity and the reliability re T foil Rudders sailing with rough weather and other weather conditions for entire long sailing periods
    The T-foil rudders create an unquestionable turbo effect at certain points of sail. The addition re such a system also has appeal re safety as they produce increased stability, which allows helmsman to push hard in breezy conditions without putting a vessel and crew in danger.

    Your quote

    “:The future might be foiling for a few wealthy individuals for everyone else we will do what is practical and affordable.”

    Pleased you agree the future is with foiling trimarans. and who is every else person besides yourself.

    Did not get excited re the gun boat G4 except it foiled on there first test run. I can think about 10 or more reasons why I would not like to own or sail on that configuration as is.

    Not every person is on a low or moderate wage and yes some can service a boat loan instead of a house loan some have other avenues and joint ownership is on the rise and has been for years. E.G four individuals or more can pool their resources for a project, which saves costs when it comes to marina fees, insurance, sail replacement, race entrance fees and damage and general maintenance costs and others with lateral thinking can arrange sponsorship funding.

    When do you think your 26 ft and 40 ft prototypes will be launched.


  3. I agree all cricket teams are 2nd to the Aussies when sledging, under arm bowling and sailing.

  4. When a Tony Grainger trimaran launches with foil assist and it works we can call that design direction a success. The renders have been around for some time now with no evidence that any have been built. Ian Farrier has some foil assist trimarans out and about sailing with mixed results they are fast at times. Everything you mention has been looked at in racing boats for many years including trim tabs on daggerboards and electronic control of T rudder on the foiler Hydroptere.

    If you want to be really excited you can look at the carbon Gunboat G4 racer/cruiser which has just been shown flying on uptip type lifting foils and t foil rudders. Level of relevance to most people nil except saying “that’s cool”.

    The Polynesian hut/Bieker multihull uses a C foil for foil assist it’s also very light being built in carbon. The future might be foiling for a few wealthy individuals for everyone else we will do what is practical and affordable.

    My name is Owen McKenzie I don’t recall you volunteering yours. I’m an Aussie and your cricket team is ok for second best.

  5. Correct most cruising / racing multihulls at present are the old designs except for the the new Cats and tris being designed with lifting foils and full foilers. You are comparing rotten apples with oranges.

    The new gunboat has full lifting foils on both hulls – tony grainger new deesigns have lifting foils with foil rudders and the non lifting foil design he has allowed for with extra strength cross beams so foils can be added at a later date should the new owner wish to convert to foils. Tony’s foils also can be withdrawn for the conditions that arn’t suitable for foiling and with a trim tab center board [ main hull ] with skimming foils main hull would take care – the issues you raise re oceangoing rough seas. With the new technology foiling simulation for simulation helm foiling, can also [ the new tech ] be used in conjuction with designers to perfect their designs more accurately. Foiling Mulitihulls are the future for multihulls cruising or racing with T foil rudders There is also a design kurt has posted by another designer on this blog that kurt remarked – the cabin looked like a Polynesian hut that is showing the way.

  6. Well Finn should be pretty competitive with most multihulls with a cruiser/racer focus it’s certainly faster than your average performance cat and would have to give all of the gunboats a run for their money. If I had a criticism of it from a cruising perspective where you would expect some niceties it’s pretty bland and unispiring. Kurt’s double shuffle hull form would give more room internally and more stowage space for bulky items than the N53 offers.

    Lifting foils are kind of an incremental performance addition they aren’t useful on all points of sail or wind strengths and the lower the crafts power to weight ratio the narrower the range of conditions in which they provide useful benefit. Personally I’d only consider them on a racing multihull where the extra complexity is ok for a few extra percent of improvement in average speed. Look at the recent catana catamarans they have curved lifting daggers but it’s more like a marketing feature than a real performance benefit it’s a bit like trying to turbo a winnebago. Non lifting float daggerboards have their own issues for starters there is the weight of two daggerboards and two cases to maintain with only a small benefit to interior space in the main hull and little if any hydrodynamic benefit.

  7. Well Finn should be pretty competitive with most multihulls with a cruiser/racer focus it’s certainly faster than your average performance cat and would have to give all of the gunboats a run for their money. If I had a criticism of it from a cruising perspective where you would expect some niceties it’s pretty bland and unispiring. Kurt’s double shuffle hull form would give more room internally and more stowage space for bulky items than the N53 offers.

    Lifting foils are kind of an incremental performance addition they aren’t useful on all points of sail or wind strengths and the lower the crafts power to weight ratio the narrower the range of conditions in which they provide some benefit. Personally I’d only consider them on a racing multihull where the extra complexity is ok for a few extra percent of improvement in average speed. Look at the recent catana catamarans they have curved lifting daggers but it’s more like a marketing feature than a real performance benefit it’s a bit like trying to turbo a winnebago. Non lifting float daggerboards have their own issues for starters there is the weight of two daggerboards and two cases to maintain with only a small benefit to interior space in the main hull and little if any hydrodynamic benefit.

  8. No sign on the floats with dagger boards. What you thought was a dagger was a workers bag.

    My wording was

    So can’t see it being competitive or much interest for this design except some design concepts.

    As owners we all know when we see another similar size vessel we engage to see if our boat is faster – points higher etc. and there are rallies that boat owners pace each other although one is not participating as a official race entry or first to the anchorage gets free drinks for all crew.

    That means additional boats not the owner for FINN.

  9. oceancruiser what makes you think that the N53 trimaran doesn’t have a daggerboard? It’s clearly visible in the photos you linked. I’m not sure if the owner is interested in racing he may simply have wanted a performance cruiser which could be shorthanded with adequate accommodation for his needs.

  10. The n 53 does not have dagger boards or foils. So can’t see it being compétitive or much interest for this design except some design concepts.. Can’t find any race enteries for the named vessel FINN designed for single handed racing / cruising.

  11. Not New. Built 2012 single handed racer.

    and 2014.

    BAÑULSDESIGN ñ53 has just been launched in FLorida.2012

    Charles Simonin

    Charles developed strong skills in naval architecture being involved on various racing designs where he was, from 2006, responsible for conducting performance predictions and overseeing R&D activities. Projects such as maxi trimarans Groupama 3 and Banque Populaire V, latest generations IMOCA60s Safran, Groupe Bel, Macif and Virbac-Paprec 3, special foiling projects such as Syz&Co foiler cat and Hydroptère development campains. Charles was also involved on the America’s Cup with BMW Oracle on the 33rd and ACRM design package on the 34th.

    Named FINN, she is a 53ft single handed high performance cruising trimaran built by McConaghy.
    should weather protection shield with roof canopy.
    makes the double berth with drop table.

    Has crane lifting points to lift with rig

    Other main details.

  12. Please post them. it does matter. I’m sure a lot would be interested – your opinions – views.


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