Resort Trimaran

I’ve been modeling and producing shop drawings for this little unit for several years now. it looks like they might be in production soon. The idea is to be as simple to operate as possible for beginners.  More details as I learn them.




Congress and the USCG 2016

One of my customers in Hawaii has started a dialog with his senator about the recent pointless dificulties with the USCG MSC in Washington DC.  If any of you in the biz have any suggestions-
Contact is:
Will Rogers
Military Legislative Assistant
Office of Senator Brian Schatz
722 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

I am a big believer in how a congressman can change the USCG after how in the early 90s I worked with Rep. John Miller to get the USCG to adopt a design rule.  A few days later the second in command at the USCG MSC was in my office.  We got a rule for catamarans.  I think the story is here in the blog somewhere from long ago.