Its only half way there not being a catamaran, but it has X bow and maximum waterline length. And a forest of wingsails. Chris Anderson style. Designed and being built in Japan. They should have hired Chris as consultant.
All posts by kurt
Win for Kaleva
Lots of changes in the biz lately. I will get more details to add here and maybe readers can also add information.
MAS Epoxy was bought.
Schooner Creek Boatworks was bought.
Invictus has a new owner.
Mark Ganulin, the goto guy for multihulls at USCG head office at MSC, has retired. IBEX seminars has a new director, Sarah Devlin.
He’s Baaaaak
Who is this again? Anyone know? From the spelling, maybe it’s a drunk posting? I thought he was in rear view mirror. Doesn’t he know nobody reads my blog?
I’m really pissed off that you’d make public statements devaluing my asset and impacting my income (real legal damages).
I have one last civil recourse before i do go to legal.
You need to take down every photo which you do not have permission to use and delete your comments on my boot in thoer entirety,
In exchange, the boat will not be a Kurt Hughes design and you can publicly say sonif it ever comes up.
All i bought your plans for was the hull/connectives. It’s my design. We can leave it at that, unless you want me to do more than have the attorneys send the demand letter.
Ball is in your court.
If you continue to create negative publicity for me and my boat, i will mot hesitate to sue you for the charter income and boat value damages.
Please let me know your decision”
More R2AK
I keep seeing more earnest, helpless, odd entries to the R2AK race. People, if winning is of any interest, and from what I have seen, maybe it isn’t, you need something like this. A modern tri. And compared to the cookie cutter F-tris; its much wider overall for the same length; it will stay more level, spilling less wind. Round bilge will tack faster. No struts to douche the crew in waves. This was designed for Simmo before he dialed back. Add some oars and rock and roll.
The Nick’s House
42 Cat in Scandinavia
Off the Shelf Bagging Table
One of my customers has ordered an off the shelf vacuum bagging table. They are actually truck beds. I understand the cost is very good. More on that after he gets and uses.
I seem to recall that Kelsall said he could build a bagging table in was it 4 hours? It takes me that long almost to wander around Home Depot and remember what I was working last weekend. This should be very very fast. Up to 10′ wide by 58′ long in one bit.
Email Down
I run the latest anti-virus software, and my ISP does too. Today however it seems that all my outgoing emails are bouncing back as “banned sender”. As I recall that means someone at my ISP had been spoofed into spamming. I have complained and assume will be fixed by tomorrow.