Category Archives: New Designs

Aft Beam Location

It looks very stylish to have the aft beam of a cat as far back as possible.  Its kind of like skinny tires on a lowered car.  It does move the CG back a bit which helps if sailing deep in strong wind.  In the most common conditions, it causes the transom to drag.  To prevent that at least one ultra famous designer packs more displacement back there in the form of rocker.  That rocker levels it out at rest but can cause squatting at speed.  In the case of ultra famous, the cats don’t  squat when sailing; the center of effort it way up there.  In his powercat modification of that design, it squats so much that he added trim tabs.   The pic below is not that designer but another example of too much rocker aft.

badcat 3g

The new Gunboat G4(accidentally typed G$ which may be better), has aft beam way back there also.  It however is all carbon so it is very light.  It drags transom at rest but with so much power it is not a concern.  As I always say, with enough money and enough carbon, you can do almost anything.

On normal cats I find it best to have the aft beam far enough forward that the hulls can have a fairly flat run aft.  Related, the goal is to have as skinny and as rockerless a hull as possible, to carry the weight.  The weight/trim spreadsheet helps with this location also.


Bottom Paint and Boards

Unlike this picture, I prefer not to paint boards.  It does save work to be able to leave the board(s) floating at neutral, but as I see it the trade-off is against you.

In my experience every board will get damaged.  Even a gravel bank will scuff it up some.  A reef will do even more.  Doing the sanding for repairs on a board can be poisonous.  I killed the lawn for several years where I sanded the tip of my rudder once.  Throw a halyard on the board(s) and pull up until its out.  You will be appreciated by your future self. 


More Carbon Hull

I finally figured it out when I was looking at my Costco folding chair. It has the same pattern. Thats it. HH66 was built correctly and more robustly with e-glass and then they put the folding chair pattern over it. Fooled everybody.


Carbon Fiber Hull Naked

It seems that catamarans have become the newest hot toys of the wealthy. Where they would once sport gold chains, they are now sporting carbon fiber.  I found the most amazing example of this recently.  A carbon fiber hull that is apparently to be kept “bright”, that is no paint.  It is a HH66.  The design goal apparently is to show everybody at any marina or mooring that they are the baddest alpha male sailor there is.  Forget UV degradation when you can be that cool.

I see several interesting engineering flaws in this peacocking.  In the tropics black surface temperatures of 160F (70 C) are not uncommon.  That surely rules out room temperature cure epoxy.  Typically high temperature epoxies have very little stretch to failure, like carbon fiber.  Combined, you have a very brittle laminate. 

Especially if foiling, light is cool.  The part that makes carbon so attractive is that it is so strong;  not much is needed.  Combine brittle laminate with very thin layups and you have a damage magnet. 

In the picture it looks like it is a balanced 0/90 layup.  As I have noted so many times, long slender hulls do not have such layups if being done efficiently.  From the pattern, it looks like it is woven.  If so, it looks far cooler than a knitted or uni stack, but is not as strong.  Clearly looking cool is more important than good engineering here.  Gold jewelry by any other name.  “I am bad, bitches, pay attention.”

