I found a large listing of design engineering apps for smart phones here at Design Engineering online. http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/level5/desktopengineering_201302/index.php?bm=normal#/28
All posts by kurt
More Coast Guard
Last November a very narrow charter cat rolled over from a wave in Florida. It looked like a powercat designed by guys who were chopper-gunning truck bed
covers just a few years ago. There was a fatality. http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2012-11-23/news/fl-pompano-dive-boat-folo-20121123_1_rough-seas-hillsboro-inlet-high-seas
I supposed that it didn’t affect me since my boats were wide and safe.
I just spent several hours doing hydrostatic studies for the Coast Guard on one of my boats Trilogy Elua. The USCG required a study to be done at every 6″ of possible and impossible hull depths. Clearly they are flailing. None or the calcs revealed anything. They could have asked me or Roger (Hatfield) what to do. Instead, a blizzard of calculations, 95% having nothing to with the real world and stable catamarans. I have to figure out how to help them work smart. See also:
The guy I usually deal with there is very very cranky this week. There must be a lot of pressure.
Trikala 19 Trimaran Update
The Trikala
19 trimaran has been updated. The original design had a main hull and deck as 2 pieces. The update is a single piece, (well 2 halves) and looks more rounded. It also has X bows to increase speed in waves. I will be built in Asia. It can be made ready to trailer in a few minutes. It can stay on the water in the “in position” indefinitely. I’m sure it will cost less than the same size folder.
More Stuff Done (partly) Wrong
McConaghy 60 Catamaran.
This splashy, silver-rendered catamaran does have cool features like boards, and swept bows and rotating mast. And did I hear carbon fiber is involved? How cool is that?
It seems to lack a coherent mission statement though. It seems more like a couple dozen cool features spliced together by a beginner, than by the reputed experienced designers.
It has come to my attention that many of the conclusions that I came to from the pictures are wrong. If so, I stand corrected. For example, I thought from the minimal draft and use of carbon, it would be crazy light, which is good for speed. I understand that at 8.9 tons, its not as light as it looks. I also thought it was surprisingly narrow overall at 8.6m or 28′. It is also true that many of its peers are that narrow. My 60 is wider, though not that much wider at 30′. I will say that in the picture below, beam overall looks to be about 20′. That narrower beam lets them fly a hull very quickly. It could be very fast in even lighter winds. It is supposed to be a cruiser. With carbon beams, why not make it wider and give the extra righting moment and safety. Ok Ok, by being wider one would not fly a hull as easily and could lose a beer-can race. I have also been informed that at 75′ it has a very conservative rig. Isn’t that like having a Shelby Cobra with a Honda Civic engine in it. Why not give it a proper beam and a hotter rig? To match the badass look.
The house front is actually vertical. Even my pickup truck has some slope on the front. It has those trick swoop things on the sides though to make it look sleek; like the pug nosed ferries do to hide the pug.
I wondered if the first green wave (reverse bows do make wetter ride) trapped there would blow the front windows out? I have been informed that it will not.
And near as I could tell from the pictures, a wave boarding from astern had nothing to stop it from surging all the way downstairs, on both sides. I have been informed that it has doors and storm-boards. I have to accept that.
And I noticed no non-skid covered up the shining floor. I have been informed not to trust my eyes; it is non-skid.
Performance cats are expected to have small cabins. This is odd though; its smaller even than it needs to be. With elegant engineering, the beam shear web will be pretty near the mast. So why is all that “outside” there between the cabin front and the mast? Is it a place for the half dozen professional crew to stay? In my opinion a cruising boat should be able to be single-handed or short-handed. Usually that means the strings go aft to the helm, or helms. So why that stadium around the mast? If it were sailing in the Bass Strait like the night I was there, you could not be up there working the strings. Maybe they need a Bass Strait
Gunboat, it could be argued is ugly, but is a conceptually honest design.
I do read that the developer of this unit is the convicted securities trader Raphael Blot. I expect he forced these cool features together and the guys drafted like he ordered. It could have been so much better.
Another Fiberlay Class in seattle
Basic Composite & Mold Making Training Classes!
Saturday, February 23, 2013 9am – 3pm
Fiberlay – Seattle
24 South Idaho Street, Seattle, WA 98134
Please see the attached PDF for more information:
It is canadian viagra $50. Sometimes I can get free entry for my builders. I got that for the last event, but I don’t know if anyone went. Let me know and I will set it up.
Update: My builders can get in for half price if you contact Scott at Fiberlay with your name. Well in advance. On the road today, but will include Scott’s email on Monday.
Folding Kayak
Pretty impressive and inventive folding http://whatsnext.blogs.cnn.com/2013/01/31/the-origami-inspired-folding-kayak/?hpt=hp_c4
kayak.New Things Done Wrong
I have two Things Done Wrong to include. Chasing deadlines today so have to wait to process and include story. Soon.
Kobayashi Cat Video/Slideshow
media item runs in Facebook. Not sure if it will here. Ok it does, but is twitchy. It demands I sign in as a new customer to Facebook and demands a new flash player. Maybe can get a “clean link” later.
By Amina Winter.
Output Status
I have gotten the new versions of the various CADD programs working on Windows 7, and talking to the new printer now. I am having to learn the new program upgrades as I go along. About a third of all the files are not migrating intact so I will have to go back to the old versions on XP and save again doing something different. Once I get it all sorted out output will be many times faster.
As it is, the
study plans and dvd sales take way more time than they should and are thus not really affordable to me. Most of the problems are postal; people complain (to me) that the post office is slow. And Paypal, not notifying me of an order, or double-billing a customer, or taking refund from me even if USPS proves I mailed it. Some time later when I sort out what to do.
Launch at Gil’s
I see that the former Kobayashi catamaran got launched and got press
from Courage Winter’s Facebook. Picture by Cindy Walter.