My friend and long time customer Richard Spindler, formerly editor of Latitude 38 mgazine, will be speaking tomorrow, Sunday the 28th at the Seattle Boat Show. 4 PM, I assume down near the stadium. I will try to make it, but am still recovering. Topic will be cruising Mexico/HaHa.
Richard built his catamaran that I designed for him, in the early 90s and has sailed it for tens or hundreds of thousands of miles since. T They don’t make any better clients. See
Sorry guys. I’ve been in the hospital from Thursday until late Saturday. Am hobbling around like an old coot now.
Wednesday night I had a very good workout at the gym.
Midafternoon Thursday I was suddenly vomiting and had probably worst stomach pain that I have ever had.
Went to ER. 3 days in hospital found nothing. Only theory was drug interaction between warfarin and the rare time that I took Advil.
Point is I’m still not even 50% back. trying to. This is why some projects might feel neglected. Soon as I can.
I’m coming up with a few options for rotating wingmast hounds.
First with padeyes for the shrouds. First run at 200 degree (100 degrees each way) wing mast solution, with Colligo fork fittings. Lime green is toggles and blue is SS padeyes.
Composite foundations (yellow). Basically the whole lot stays in one place, and the mast swings like a door behind it.
It should have much less wear and chafe on the composite stays.
Now with tangs instead of padeyes on the rotating bit. I do have great respect for the opinions of the experienced sea dogs on the last post. I have also have been working this for a few decades. Keep in mind, 99% of all rigging out there is terminated with toggles. We shouldn’t just abandon toggles for purity. In my experience, toggles are pretty good at aligning to the load. The old batwings would chew up toggles, I admit. Pure synthetic would be wonderful, but not quite there. I do have one possible idea on that. Soon as I can model it. Too many deadlines here.
I should explain why the two Lake Victoria Ferries look so different. They had the same stock plan set and are the same beam overall.
They look so different.
First, I had hoped that they would be built in Uganda. That didn’t happen. They were to be sent over in containers. For the second boat, I streamlined the process by lowering the freeboard so that the hulls could fit in the containers without more surgery. Amani needed 7 containers; Bluebird, 4.
Again the beam overall is the same. Amani is open ocean and Lake Victoria is a lake.
The migration to Win 10 and Office 16 is mostly there on the new laptop. Will be the office web machine and portable CADD now.
So far easier than I feared. It has however taken an hour and Bing for me to get into the blog here. Matthew helped with suggestions.